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Earth 2 Version 1 3D Earth Tech Demo (watch in 4K)
Earth 2

Earth 2 Version 1 3D Earth Tech Demo (watch in 4K)

Welcome to the Earth 2 Version 1 (E2V1) Tech Demo where we showcase various progress we've made on building a 1:1 scale planet Earth that you will be able to explore, build on and more. We also opted to share various ideologies and use cases throughout this tech demo showcase to make it more interesting for the viewer and to help visualise how E2V1 could look depending on choices Players make. Worlds, within a world, with the world. No cinematics or pre-rendered footage. The E2V1 footage showcasing in this video was rendered real-time and in-engine. Please select the highest viewing quality (i.e 4K). We also apologise for the running ads, Earth 2 does not monetise its channel and we are trying to get the number of ads reduced. The Geolocational Metaverse based on a pristine Planet Earth with digital land and ownership from the biggest Virtual Land Registry in the world, corresponding to real world locations. The Metaverse should not feel like a shoebox or a string of shoebox experiences. Our minds are programmed to be expansive, and therefore the Metaverse should feel open, unbounded and liberating. We’re not saying Earth 2 looks better than other games, but it’s special because it’s functioning on such a massive scale; and it’s still very much a Work In Progress. We realise it’s difficult for some to visualise the vision of Earth 2. But pictures can paint a thousand words and we’re sure this footage will help some to better understand our dreams and aspirations. It certainly shows that we’ve already come a long way, but in years to come you’ll likely look back and realise with further developments we make, that there were still so many things you were not able to visualise about Earth 2, today. If you're interested in Earth 2 or what we're building, please considering talking with our community or signing up for a free account and we'll let you know when the game is ready to play! [Connect with us!] Discord: Twitter: Reddit: Instagram: Facebook: Twitch:
VLOG #8 - Pt1 E2V1 Progress Update + Pt2 EcoSim Footage/Details Update
Earth 2

VLOG #8 - Pt1 E2V1 Progress Update + Pt2 EcoSim Footage/Details Update

This vlog contains an extensive amount of information. Some of the things we will cover is: • the comparison of tile sizes from the Earth 2 website and E2V1 (the digital Earth we are creating) • displaying various locations on map or satellite view and directly comparing to the same locations inside E2V1 • the introduction of 2 more Layer 1 EcoSim buildings • the introduction of 5 more residential and commercial buildings • showcasing the above buildings in a larger city environment • displaying our inter-building road system • showcasing a number of new vehicles, ships, droids and more • introduction to "E-ther is Life" At Earth 2, we strive to provide footage of exactly how 3D models will appear in game and you can expect these particular examples to look like this on a massive scale and be Player customisable inside the 1:1 scale 3D digital replication of the planet Earth we are developing. We intentionally schedule certain footage and details to be released at key events, for example, when our utility token Essence officially launches we have more exciting game footage to release. In the interim we plan to continue releasing smaller updates, such as this vlog, as a way to keep the Earth 2 community informed on interesting details as we work on platform feature development in the background. It is important to understand the buildings we are currently showcasing are Phase 2 buildings. Phase 2 was originally intended to be released in 2D on our webpage using our website map view for location based play and then years later transition to our 3D world closer to Phase 3. The progress we’ve made with creating an early digital version of Earth 2 which will support game play across the entire planet has been amazing and as a result of that hard work we are now able to shift focus on releasing parts of Phase 2 earlier inside our own 3D world, E2V1. We thank you for your ongoing support and please keep following us for more updates. If you'd like to learn more about Earth 2 in general and our plans to transition to Web3 with our own utility token (Essence) and BlockChain, please view our 40 page PDF document via : [Connect with us!] Discord: Twitter: Reddit: Instagram: Facebook: Twitch:
Earth 2 Engine Terrain System in 4K (Official)
Earth 2

Earth 2 Engine Terrain System in 4K (Official)

So here it is: uninterrupted in-game footage showcasing the E2 Engine for the first time and a taste of the quality that users can expect in the future with Phase 3. We have released this video for all of our amazing supporters who have been waiting so patiently to view it, but also for validation to prove the E2 Engine does exist and already runs a highly performant terrain system capable of streaming the world, an engine that has been built over many years. This is the first glimpse of the future and what Phase 3 and beyond will look like, and it is only the beginning. Let us explain to you what can be seen on it - and what makes it so special. Commencement of Phase 2 is almost upon us but during Phase 2, a dedicated team will continue working on Phase 3. Our goal for Phase 3 is to render earth size planet terrains with extreme vegetation and details reaching maximum performance, where movement can be very fast without loading and any popping artifacts, while the terrain needs to look great from any camera angle and altitude without texture tiling artifacts. The terrain system is part of the E2 Engine which is built on top of the Unity game engine. We chose Unity because it’s known for being very versatile, easily expandable, the King of iteration and being suitable for big teams. Fast iteration helps a lot in reducing the development time, as we need to do a lot of technical research/implementations and work on many systems in parallel for our ambitious project. What we show in the video is only the beginning, but it clearly demonstrates just how advanced the Earth 2 Phase 3 development is at. Nathaniel, the Earth 2 Lead Game Developer who lives in the location shown, has been responsible for its development and has done an outstanding job! The in-game footage has also been recorded by Ferran, the Earth 2 Lead Technical Artist. This video displays an example of what one biome - one of many - in Earth 2 will look like and is the same build that Shane, the Earth 2 CEO uses to find peace escaping Earth 1. Earth 2 will have the approximated look of Earth 1 with its many biomes like grassland, forest, tropical, desert, tundra, marine, etc. Having achieved this to date, imagine what we can do once our team expands and we continue to board developers with similar skills and build out Earth 2, the massive immersive alternative reality where you can truly be limitless and free, at any place of your choosing without some of those limitations and issues of Earth 1. Although what we have created to date is certainly spectacular, improvements are constantly being made - terrain shadows, smooth Level of Detail transitions on the objects, volumetric lighting, more advanced placement, better 3D models, improved shading, etc. This video is created to show what our team can do and what our concept and the future of the Earth 2 project may look like. We will continue to prove that we have the capabilities to achieve all that we have set out to achieve! We are in this for the long haul and are glad to have you all as part of the journey! Performance is very important for us, as we want to support the widest range of hardware and platforms possible while we aim for massive immersion. The terrain system and object rendering system of the E2 Engine are extremely optimized, using all kinds of innovations to render outside of the box, giving many magnitudes more performance then traditional rendering. We feel that Earth 2 is around us and we want the players to experience the immersion of Earth 2’s virtual reality metaverse. Phase 3 will start with PC but we will support many more platforms. The VR platform is definitely one of the main ones we want to support for maximum immersion. You might think the E2 Engine will fry your GPU, but that’s not the case as it’s extremely optimized. For example, the entire terrain mesh is rendered with only 8 draw calls and 1 material without using any tessellation. The terrain system is very downscale-able for lower hardware and lower settings still gives a great look: To read up a little more please check out : We hope that our goals and dreams will translate into your goals and dreams and that your imagination can start to run wild with the possibilities we envisage Earth 2 bringing to the world. Thank you for your support and belief, it is a driving force for the whole Earth 2 team and we genuinely get excited each time we work on something new for our extended family, you! One final note, our recreation has also proven something else .. "no", it’s not flat! [Socials] Discord: YouTube: Twitter: Reddit: Instagram: Facebook:


Catch All the Action

Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4 - 2022

Phase 1

There is still a long way to go for a fully customizable world. We remain focused on strategic purchases. There will be better times to build great ideas.
Confirmation of obsidian resource in town.


Phase 2

We are enlightened by every idea and every algorithm that earth2 hides. We like to search, it will be another long year full of illuminating satisfactions


Phase 3

Earth 2 calls Earth 1.
Mutually the 2 worlds will begin to love each other, we can't wait.

Official friends of ObsidianCity

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